The Young Advisors Movement

Young Advisors are young people aged between 15 and 24, who work with community leaders to help them better engage young people in community life, local decision-making and improving services.

Through their work, Young Advisors bring unique expertise and knowledge about being young to influence strategic planning, decision-making and marketing across business, health, local authorities, justice and charity sectors.

The Young Advisors movement is supported by a central charity, which brings the UK wide network of team’s cohesion and ensures we are greater than the sum of our individual parts.

Young Advisors work directly with leaders & decision makers to influence change from senior levels and cascade learning through an organisation or service.

Our Mission

The Young Advisors Charity supports a network of teams across the UK to engage and empower young people to ensure the views and voices of young people are used to transform the way organisations and society work. As a federation of teams, we work collaboratively; continuously learning and nurturing our networks' talents to have a bigger impact. Our work makes a measurable difference to products, services, young people and wider communities.

Commission us

Teams of Young Advisors across England work with a variety of public, private and third sector organisations to deliver improvements to communities. If you would be interested in working with a specific team or on a national piece of work, then do get in touch. There is more information on the Commission Us page

Find a Local Team

There are teams of Young Advisors across England. Maybe you would be interested in setting up a team within your organisation or maybe you are a young person wanting to get involved? You can find information about teams on our 'Find a Team' page or if you'd be interested in talking to us about setting up a team, contact details are at the bottom of this page.

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empowering young people

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