Sheffield Young Advisors
Hosted by Sheffield Futures | Sheffield City
Sheffield Young Advisors are an award winning and diverse team of trained young consultants aged 16 to 24 who are commissioned to help organisations and local services improve their products and delivery and to make them more young people friendly. They are employed and co-ordinated by Sheffield Futures and use a variety of methods to ensure that young people are given the chance to be meaningfully involved in service design, delivery and evaluation. All organisations who commission Sheffield Young Advisors have a different journey, as we tailor our services to their needs.
Experienced In
Delivering Training
Report Writing
Youth Proofing
Consultation Lead
Events Management
Seminar Talks
Recruitment & Selection
Involvement in Commissioning
Issues Worked On
Community Development
Environment Projects
Mental Health
Sexual Health
Alcohol & Drugs
Youth Participation
Stop & Search

Contact Us
Lead Worker: Sarah Stevens
Contact Number: 0114 201 2783
Star House, 43 Division Street, Sheffield, S1 4GE