Sefton Young Advisors
Hosted by Sefton CVS | Sefton, Merseyside
Sefton Young Advisors work in partnership with community leaders and decision
makers to enable the voices of young people to be heard in community life. They
are trained and employed agents of social action. Their role is to guide and support
local organisations – local authorities, housing associations, CCGs, the Voluntary,
Community and Faith sector and other local partners on what it is like for a young
person to live, work, learn and play in their neighbourhood.
Sefton Young Advisors have a specialism in designing tailor-made activities that
utilise creative approaches to engage with children and young people and give them
a voice.
The Sefton Young Advisors team is made up of young people aged 16-23 from across the Sefton borough. The team work in partnership with community leaders and key decision makers to ensure that the voices of young people are heard.
Sefton Young Advisors guide and support local organisations such as local authorities, housing associations, CCGs and other local partnerships on what it is like to live in their neighbourhood.
The team have worked regionally, nationally and internationally and have won numerous local and national awards.
Experienced In
- Training design and delivery (bespoke packages)
- Consultations
- Video & Animation Design
- Resource Development
- Research Projects
- Events Planning
- Report Writing
- Youth Proofing Documents
- Creative Engagement with young people
- Representation on strategic panels/groups
- Evaluation of services
Issues Worked On
- Crime & Community Safety
- Youth Violent Crime
- Child Exploitation
- Community Development
- Environmental Projects
- Mental Health
- Transport
- Children with additional needs
- Sexual Health
- Childen In Care/Care Leavers
- Young Carers
- Youth Voice & Participation
- Climate Change
- Health and wellbeing
- Inclusive economy

Contact Us
Lead Worker: Georgia Ribbens
Contact Number:
Burlington House, Crosby Rd N, Waterloo, Liverpool L22 0LG