Southwark Young Advisors
Hosted by Southwark Council | London Borough of Southwark, London
Founded in 2006, the Southwark Young Advisors sit within Southwark Council’s Community Safety Team and are a diverse group of 30 young, trained professionals aged 16 to 21 years old – all sharing one aspiration – to create change within their local community. The Southwark Young Advisors work locally, pan out over London and nationally (Under the National Young Advisors Charity) to share good practice and to learn from others.
Southwark Young Advisors are locally recruited and have participated in extensive training which is an important part of equipping them with skills to work as young consultants/mentors.
Experienced In
Delivering Training
Report Writing
Youth Proofing
Consultation Lead
Events Management
Seminar Talks
Recruitment & Selection
Involvement in Commissioning
Issues Worked On
Community Development
Environment Projects
Mental Health
Sexual Health
Alcohol & Drugs
Youth Participation
Stop & Search

Contact Us
Lead Worker: Chloe Newman
Contact Number: 0207 525 0824
160 Tooley Street, Southwark, London, SE1 2QH